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lend itself to
美音: [lend itˈself tu:] 英音: [lɛnd ɪtˈsɛlf tu]

lend itself to基本解释



lend itself to网络解释

1. 适用于,对......有用:leave alone听其自然,更不用说 | lenditselfto适用于,对......有用 | let alone不干涉;更不用说

2. 适宜于,对...有用:leave out / / 遗漏, 略去 | lenditselfto / / 适宜于,对...有用 | let alone / / 听其自然;更不用说

3. lend itself to的反义词

3. 适合于:hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留(某物) | lenditselfto 适合于 | let alone 不打扰,不惊动,更别提

4. 有助于:lend an attentive ear to 倾听 | lenditselfto 有助于 | lend oneself to 帮助

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