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lap up
美音: [læp ʌp] 英音: [læp ʌp]

lap up基本解释

将…卷叠起来; 舔食,喝掉; 轻信,照单全收; 欣然接受

lap up网络解释

1. 舔:lap time 来回时间 | lapup 舔 | lap 大腿前部

2. 舔、欣然接受:1. lapup:舔、欣然接受 | 2. moat:护城河、以河围绕 | 3. stumble across:偶然发现

3. 舔起 舐:lick 舔食 舔吃 | lapup 舔起 舐 | famine 饥荒 饥荒的事例

4. lap up的反义词

4. 喝光舔尽'洗耳恭聴'全然接受:Laborer Model劳模 | Lapup喝光舔尽'洗耳恭聴'全然接受 | Lorry赃物

lap up词典解释

1. 轻信;照单全收;欣然接受
If you say that someone laps up something such as information or attention, you mean that they accept it eagerly, usually when you think they are being foolish for believing that it is sincere.

e.g. Their audience will lapup whatever they throw at them...
e.g. He lapped up the attention and the opportunity to voice his thoughts...

lap up英英释义


1. take up with the tongue

e.g. The cat lapped up the milk
the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast

Synonym: laplick

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