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much as
美音: [mʌtʃ æz] 英音: [mʌtʃ æz]

much as基本解释


much as的意思

much as网络解释

1. (虽然,尽管)表让步:319 more than不仅,不止;多于... | 320 muchas(虽然,尽管)表让步; | 321 no less ... than和...一样...,既...又...

2. 虽然:asconj.因为 | muchas 虽然 | as for至于,就...方面说

3. 尽管:The policeman told the bystanders to move on. 尽管我很喜欢它,却买不起. | muchas尽管??????: | Muchas I like it, I can't afford it. 尽管我很喜欢它,却买不起.

4. 同......一样,(用于句首)虽然,尽管; as much 同等,一样. 如:We have the situation well in hand. 我们己经控制了局势. | 8. muchas 同......一样,(用于句首)虽然,尽管; asmuch 同等,一样. 如: | Plants need food, muchas animals do. 植物和动物一样,也需要食物.

much as英英释义


1. in a similar way

Synonym: very much like

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