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move up
美音: [mu:v ʌp] 英音: [muv ʌp]

move up基本解释


move up相关例句


1. He moves up quickly.

move up网络解释

1. 移:补偿器(compensator)的查找5. 连接器(connector)的查找*Scope Overview *如何使用信号管理器 (Signal Manager)算的方法. 按以下方法检查单级放大器输出信号(aout)的带宽和增益:的位置,如上移(MoveUp)、下移(Move Down)、删除(Delete)等.

move up词典解释

1. (尤指为靠近某人或给某人让出空间而)挪动,靠拢
If you move up, you change your position, especially in order to be nearer someone or to make room for someone else.

e.g. Move up, John, and let the lady sit down.

2. 上涨;升级;升迁
If someone or something moves up, they go to a higher level, grade, or class.

e.g. Share prices moved up...
e.g. Children learn in mixed ability classes and moveup a class each year.

move up英英释义


1. move upward

e.g. The fog lifted
The smoke arose from the forest fire
The mist uprose from the meadows

Synonym: riseliftarisego upcome upuprise

2. move to a better position in life or to a better job

e.g. She ascended from a life of poverty to one of grea

Synonym: ascendrise

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