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more often than not
美音: [mɔ: ˈɔfən ðæn nɔt] 英音: []

more often than not基本解释


more often than not网络解释

1. 时常,在更多情况下:morethan ever 超出任何时候. | moreoftenthannot 时常,在更多情况下 . | notmorethan 至多;不比...更 .


2. 经常,时常:mark down降价 | moreoftenthannot经常,时常(=often) | morethan ever尤其

3. 常常:monograph 专著 | moreoftenthannot 常常 | motivation 动机

4. 通常;时常:from time to time时常,有时 | moreoftenthannot通常;时常 | now and then时而,不时

more often than not英英释义


1. usually
as a rule

e.g. by and large it doesn't rain much here

Synonym: by and largegenerallymostly

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