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miss out
美音: [mis aut] 英音: [mɪs aʊt]

miss out基本解释

miss out

遗漏[忘]; (被)略去; 错过机会; 不理睬(某人)

miss out相关例句


1. He missed out at the third round.

miss out网络解释

1. 遗漏:miss one's tip 失算 | missout 遗漏 | miss stays 抢风失败

2. 错过机会,坐失良机:missout 错过机会,坐失良机 | converse with 与...交谈 | personal connection 人脉关系


3. (省去,漏掉):make out (辨别;理解;开列,书写) | missout (省去,漏掉) | pass out (失去知觉,昏倒)

miss out词典解释

1. 没有参加,错过(对自己有益或有趣的事)
If you miss out on something that would be enjoyable or useful to you, you are not involved in it or do not take part in it.

e.g. We're missing out on a tremendous opportunity...
e.g. Well, I'm glad you could make it. I didn't want you to missout.

2. 遗漏;漏掉;没把…包括在内
If you miss out something or someone, you fail to include them.

e.g. There should be an apostrophe here, and look, you've missed out the word 'men' altogether!...
e.g. What about Sally? You've missed her out.

in AM, use 美国英语用 leave out
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