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meet with
美音: [mi:t wið] 英音: [mit wɪð]

meet with基本解释

meet with的翻译

碰到; 偶然遇到; 遭受; 和…会面

meet with情景对话


meet with的近义词

A:Good morning. Ms Carling's office. What can I do for you?

B:This is Marlene Casper. I need to meetwith Ms Carling. She knows who I am.
我是Marlene Casper,我要约见Carling女士,她知道我是谁。

A:Hold on , please. I'll check her schedule…… You can meetwith Ms Carling at 10:00 tomorrow.

B:That'll be fine. Thank you very much.

meet with网络解释

1. (偶尔)遇见;碰到:meet up with 偶尔碰见 . | meetwith (偶尔)遇见;碰到 . | from memory 凭记忆 .

2. 遭遇:meet the needs of 迎合......的需要 | meetwith 遭遇 | more and more 越来越多

3. meet with什么意思

3. 遇见,碰到:163、major in 主修,专攻 | 164、meetwith 遇见,碰到 | 165、mistake for 把...误认为

4. 遇见:53. stand by sb 支持某人 support sb /take sb's side | 54. meetwith 遇见 | 55. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人干某事

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