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mark off
美音: [mɑ:k ɔf] 英音: [mɑrk ɔf]

mark off基本解释

划出, 划开; 区分

mark off是什么意思

mark off词典解释

1. (用线)画出,圈出
If you mark off a piece or length of something, you make it separate, for example by putting a line on it or around it.

e.g. He used a rope to markoff the circle...
e.g. Read the text through and markoff the sections you find particularly applicable.

2. 使区别于;使突出
If a particular quality or feature marks someone or something off from other people or things, it is unusual and makes them obviously different.

e.g. Her clothes, of course, marked her off from a great number of the delegates at the conference...
e.g. The traditionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution.

3. (用画线的方式)划去,勾销
If you mark off a date on a calendar or an item on a list, you put a line through it or next to it, in order to show that it has been completed or dealt with.

e.g. He marked off the days on a calendar...
e.g. Miss Hoare called out names and marked them off.

mark off英英释义

mark off的解释


1. set boundaries to and delimit

e.g. mark out the territory

Synonym: mark out

2. put a check mark on or near or next to

e.g. Please check each name on the list
tick off the items
mark off the units

Synonym: checkcheck offmarktick offtick

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