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out of the way
美音: [aut ɔv ðə wei] 英音: [aʊt ʌv ði we]

out of the way基本解释

偏远; 异常的; 罕见的; 不碍事

out of the way相关例句


1. He has done nothing outoftheway yet.

out of the way网络解释

1. 偏僻的;罕见的:outofthe question 不可能 | outoftheway 偏僻的;罕见的 | outofthe/this world 只应天上有

2. 偏僻:4 helpful assistance热心的帮助 | outoftheway 偏僻 | 5 print a schedule印制时间表

3. 偏僻的:outofthe plan price 计划外价格 | outoftheway 偏僻的 | outof trim 失去平衡


4. 不当道,不恰当,异常:outof question不可能,做不到的 | outoftheway不当道,不恰当,异常 | outof work失业

out of the way英英释义


1. so as not to obstruct or hinder

e.g. put that box outoftheway so that no one trips on it

2. dealt with
disposed of

e.g. I'm so relieved that my midterm is outoftheway

3. murdered

e.g. the mob boss wanted his rival outoftheway

4. in a remote location or at a distance from the usual route

e.g. the restaurant is top-notch, but a little outoftheway

5. improper

6. extraordinary

e.g. such erratic behavior was outoftheway for him

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