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own up
美音: [əun ʌp] 英音: [on ʌp]

own up基本解释

完全[坦白]供认; 老实交代

own up相关例句


1. Politicians don't like to ownup to their mistakes.

2. You had better ownup.

3. People will respect you more if you ownup to your problems.

own up网络解释

1. own up的意思

1. 坦白:own to 承认 | ownup 坦白 | own 自己的

2. 承认错误;坦承:On one's own独立地 | Ownup 承认错误;坦承 | A pack of cards一副纸牌

3. 坦白地承认,供认:3687owing to因为,由于 | 3689ownup坦白地承认,供认 | 3690ownern. 所有人,物主

4. 完全,坦白供认:dismal令人忧郁的 | ownup完全,坦白供认 | enrage使暴怒

own up词典解释

1. 承认;供认;坦白
If you own up to something wrong that you have done, you admit that you did it.

own up的意思

e.g. The headmaster is waiting for someone to ownup...
e.g. Last year my husband owned up to a secret affair with his secretary.

own up英英释义


1. admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error

e.g. the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting

Synonym: make a clean breast offess up

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