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over the hill
美音: [ˈəuvə ðə hil] 英音: [ˈovɚ ði hɪl]

over the hill基本解释

正在衰落; 渡过危机

over the hill网络解释

1. (开小差):35.On Cottages in General(农舍概述) | 36.OvertheHill(开小差) | 37.Promise of Bluebirds(蓝知更鸟的希望)

2. 人到中年渡难关:One Man and a Whole Lot of Somebodies一呼百应 | OvertheHill人到中年渡难关 | For the Love of Pixie心系皮克茜

3. 走下坡路:hard of hearing 耳背,听力不太好 | overthehill 走下坡路 | kick the bucket 死

4. 在山那边:Outpost in Malaya 先锋部队 | OvertheHill 在山那边 | Owl and the Pussycat,the 俏冤家

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