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out of print
美音: [aut ɔv print] 英音: [aʊt ʌv prɪnt]

out of print基本解释

out of print什么意思


out of print相关例句


1. The book has been outofprint for several years.

out of print网络解释

1. 绝版,不再印刷:77. get along with 与人相处融洽,与人和睦相处 | 78. account for 解释 | 79. outofprint 绝版,不再印刷

2. (书)没有重印:outof order出了毛病 | outofprint(书)没有重印 | outof question没问题

3. out of print的反义词

3. 脱销,绝版:outof stock 缺货 | outofprint 脱销,绝版 | edition 版本

out of print英英释义


1. (of books) no longer offered for sale by a publisher

e.g. that edition is outofprint

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