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once and for all
美音: [wʌns ænd fɔ: ɔ:l] 英音: [wʌns ənd fɔr ɔl]

once and for all基本解释

once and for all的反义词

一次了结地, 一劳永逸地; 彻底地; 最终地

once and for all的解释

once and for all相关例句


1. John's back home onceandforall.

once and for all网络解释

1. 最后一次;干脆:15)on the dot 准时;正点 | 16)onceandforall 最后一次;干脆 | 17)out of earshot 不在听力所及范围

2. 彻底地:not to mention更不用说 | onceandforall彻底地 | other than除了


3. 最后一次:all at once 突然 | onceandforall 最后一次 | all by oneself 单独

once and for all英英释义


1. in a conclusive way

e.g. we settled the problem conclusively

Synonym: conclusively

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