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of late
美音: [ɔv leit] 英音: [ʌv let]

of late基本解释

of late的翻译


of late相关例句


1. We haven't seen her oflate.

of late网络解释

1. 近来:只是这个重叠的范围有限而不能为试图将这两种社会控制系统统一起来的做法提供充足的理由,而这个系统工程正是象伊朗和巴基斯坦这样的国家近来(oflate)一直在致力于实践的.

2. 最近;近来:bond n.契约;债券 | oflate 最近;近来 | indeed adv.的确;实在地

3. 最近:of kin 近亲的 | oflate 最近 | of name 有名的

4. 近来,最近:25. get sth wrong 把某事搞错了 | 26. oflate 近来,最近 | 27. Long life to him! 祝他长寿!

of late英英释义


1. in the recent past

e.g. he was in Paris recently
lately the rules have been enforced
as late as yesterday she was fine
feeling better oflate
the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also

Synonym: recentlylatelatelylatterly

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