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pass the time
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pass the time单语例句

pass the time的翻译

1. A decision was made at thetime to review and passthe draft civil code volume by volume.

2. A wonderful first timepass from David Beckham split the Nantes defence wide open and sent the Dutchman through on goal.

3. Many of the students said that they greased the instructors'palms to get more practice time and passthe final test.

4. It was the first timethe hotels that failed to pass fire protection inspection had their star ratings scrapped or lowered in the province.

5. Now is thetime for the State to inject some fresh blood in the rural areas to pass on some of the fruits of industrialization.

6. There were so many gourmet products available at the Central Market that we only had time to pass by and snap pictures.

7. It was the second timethe government has tried to passthe bill.

8. Patrons go along with the game and passthetime playing card games and chatting.

9. She loved to sit in the chair to passthetime with endless knitting.

10. The optimal time for a merger can pass if the approval procedure takes too long, he said.

pass the time双语例句

1. pass the time在线翻译

1. The first metal samples pass through the metal detector during the first time cycle and are separated.

2. B Construction of facilities for winter 1, to ensure the quality of construction in winter, to achieve progress, the need for winter construction skills training; 2, raw materials used in the project approaching, the need for testing of raw materials, in order to pass; 3, the construction site layout, layout point of fire facilities, particularly in the use of fire, electric heating construction site, must be clearly marked, the road should be open, timely removal of snow and frozen by the distribution of fire safety requirements, and facilities were set up regular inspections; 4, in the winter season outdoor temperature may reach 10 degrees Celsius below Wall again and under the law drilling mud during the construction period shall be guaranteed from the freezing mud; 5, entered the cold season, one-time seasonal maintenance on machinery and equipment, construction safety technology development cold season, and the use of mechanical equipment operatives safety education for the cold season.
冬季施工设施 1、为确保冬期施工质量,达到施工进度要求,必须进行冬期施工技术培训; 2、工程中使用的原材料进场后,必须进行原材料化验,合格后方能使用; 3、布置施工现场时,注意防火设施点的布置,特别在使用明火处,电加热施工现场,都要有明显标志,道路要通畅,及时清除冰冻和积雪,按防火要求配置,设施齐全并设人定期检查; 4、在严冬季节室外气温可能达到-10摄氏度以下,再次环境下进行泥浆护壁法钻孔,施工期间应保证泥浆不受冻结; 5、在进入寒冷季节前,对机械设备进行一次性换季保养,制定寒冷季节施工安全技术措施,并对机械操作工进行寒冷季节使用设备的安全教育。

3. To passthetime while on a long journey, Donkey bets Shrek that he can make him laugh before they arrive at their destination.

4. pass the time在线翻译

4. Nanfang Daily News (Reporter/SUN correspondent/Xue Zhe Bo) 6 junior high school students in the Internet cafe to play late into the night, went to Silver Lake area to passthetime, I feel a bad mood, they want to vent their emotions on a young man to commit robbery, and The man was wounded.
南方日报讯(记者/孙颖通讯员/薛哲刘波) 6名初中生在网吧玩到深夜,跑到银湖辖区打发时间,觉得心情不好,想发泄情绪便对一年轻男子实施抢劫,并将该男子打伤。

5. The product detects percent of pass is 100% all thetime.
公司兴建了 1000 多平方米的综合办公楼,设有茶叶检验室。


6. In having the day of your words, this is agony, has not thought of reading, let me lower the cruelty which enter that hell, There is no life forever, but soul is still struggling to look for you, just in order to get your pardon, unwilling to return to my body that will already pass soon for a long time...

7. pass the time是什么意思

7. Pass period of time fumble, VANCL found main attack Internet the promotion means of this kind of low cost.

8. The computational complexity of fast time delay MUSIC method is two orders of magnitude lower than tradition MUSIC method by rebuild received signal covariance matrix. The later proposed method build switched beam matrix according to time distribution of signal time delay, and then use Fast time delay MUSIC method to estimate time delay. The function of switch beam matrix is equivalent to time band-pass filter. The beam cover area is pass band of the filter and the noise outside the area is removed. Therefore, the later proposed method has more excellent resolving power of time delay estimation in low signal-to-noise ratio.

9. From this time on the humanity said goodbye to once all rank smell of blood hostile, barbarically has massacred, racial discrimination, belief conflict and so on, the humanities pass all obsolete fission time!

10. After the third time in a year he thought he was scheduled for surgery to replace his failing kidneys, only to see the date pass by, Bernard Burks had enough.

11. pass the time是什么意思

11. Products by this company Suyuan Chi Heng Electric Manufacturing is limited, should be up to the Group Wuxi Industrial Co., Ltd., Ireland Hua Technology Co., Ltd., etc., by the above companies alike, the company's quality management objectives: to create a one-time acceptance Products more than 95% pass rate, customer satisfaction rate of 90%, the contract assumed rate of 100%.

12. A succeed, hope and have one good mood one whole day in you, wish you living a life in Shanghai happy, How you tell me that you have birthday latly, you know that I reached Shanghai on the 10th of August, I can Heilungkiang soon in tomorrow, really very sorry, can give you take place the model happy birthday to you too very getting good in Shanghai, I hope what you pass afterwards happy, and one hundred hundred can become good friends, Still exceed it, I hope on 3 of yours too that you have a good time!


13. Therefore, we focused on the cause, dialectical seek governance; use of animals, insects and sentient flesh and blood of the goods, after a reasonable compatibility, first-pass fill adjustment, through nourish kidney essence, Pinggan Yang, Tom Lee Du channel, promoting blood circulation scattered silt; the same time, with plaster externally bonded directly to lesions, Ruanjian Sanjie, loosen adhesions, and clear the meridians; this re-righteous, evil addition, joint sliding profits, hang stubborn lingering numb unhealed?

14. What I want to achieve in 3 years time:get the law degree, passthe judicial exam, and have a satisfied job

15. You can't ride the wave forever, though, and should find that the middle of the week offers you plenty of busywork to passthetime while waiting for your mojo to come back.

16. pass the time的反义词

16. What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass.

17. With the light fading on this day, time enough for a final high speed pass for the camera.
… …与轻衰落在这一天,足够的时间作最后高速通过为相机。

18. pass the time

18. Pass the training of this time, I learned peacetime book to could not go to school of thing.

19. Wearing the three-dimensional glasses attached to the album, you will passthe limit of time and space, I believe, and be touched by the beauty of nature.

20. pass the time在线翻译

20. The multiphase tectonic activities above clearly controlled the move and gather of salifying brine, the strongth of salt-forming and the deposition of salt-bearing strata. With thepass of time, the salt-bearing strata thickened gradually from northwest to east and southeast, and the distribution of the thickness trended towards complicated; the measurement of the halite deposition extended towards east too; in the early Palaeogene and the Neogene, strong multiphase tectonic activity was a disadvantage to salt-forming, but in the middle and late Palaeogene, weak multiphase tectonic activity, which resulted in slow and sustained subsidence of the basin, was greatly advantaged to it, especially to potash-forming.

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