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press on
美音: [pres ɔn] 英音: [prɛs ɑn]

press on基本解释

用力压; 奋力前进; 坚持; 使(某人)负重

press on网络解释

1. 重重地压在...上;加紧进行:pour out倾诉,流出 | presson重重地压在...上;加紧进行 | put down to归因于

2. 强加于:presson with 加紧 | presson 强加于 | pressone's suit 苦苦哀求

3. press on

3. 按,压:x......等等 and so on | x按,压 presson | 按钮 button

4. press on的翻译

4. 继续:Any soldier that dies today will live on in history.|今天阵亡的士兵都会青史长存 | Presson.|继续 | Closing in on target.|接近目标

press on词典解释

1. 坚定地继续
If you press on or press ahead, you continue with a task or activity in a determined way, and do not allow any problems or difficulties to delay you.

e.g. Organizers of the strike are determined to presson...
e.g. He was persuaded by his advisers to press ahead...

2. 继续前进
If you press on, you continue with a journey, even though it is becoming more difficult or more dangerous.

e.g. I considered turning back, but it was getting late, so I pressed on.

press on英英释义

press on


1. continue moving forward

Synonym: push onplough on

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