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presence of mind
美音: [ˈprezəns ɔv maind] 英音: [ˈprɛzəns ʌv maɪnd]

presence of mind基本解释

presence of mind的解释


presence of mind的近义词

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presence of mind的近义词

absence of mind

presence of mind网络解释

1. 沉着, 镇定, 方寸不乱:poison a person's mind against 使某人对...有成见 | presenceofmind 沉着, 镇定, 方寸不乱 | present to the mind 记得清清楚楚, 至今历历在目

2. 镇定:presence chamber 会见厅 | presenceofmind 镇定 | presence 出席


3. 镇定自若:pass away 去世 | presenceofmind 镇定自若 | prick up one's ears 竖起耳朵注意听,立刻注意起来

4. 处乱不惊:Preaching to the choir 宣讲别人已经相信的理论 | Presenceofmind 处乱不惊 | *Press the flesh 握手

presence of mind英英释义


1. self-control in a crisis
ability to say or do the right thing in an emergency

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