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pin down
美音: [pin daun] 英音: [pɪn daʊn]

pin down基本解释

把…固定住; 使动弹不得; 迫使作出决定; 采取行动

pin down相关例句


1. Will you pin the paper down so it won't be blown away?

2. We should pin him down to his promise.

3. You must pindown every quotation to its author.

pin down网络解释

1. 阻止:pimply 肿泡的 | pindown 阻止 | pin money 零花钱


2. 船首前倾:pin connecting 销连接 | pindown 船首前倾 | pin drill 针头站

3. 牵制:pin dot matrix ==> 针点矩阵 | pindown ==> 牵制 | pin drafter ==> 针梳机,针梳牵伸机

pin down词典解释

1. 确定;证实
If you try to pin something down, you try to discover exactly what, where, or when it is.

pin down的解释

e.g. It has taken until now to pindown its exact location...
e.g. I can only pin it down to between 1936 and 1942...

2. 迫使…作出决定(或明确表态)
If you pin someone down, you force them to make a decision or to tell you what their decision is, when they have been trying to avoid doing this.

e.g. She couldn't pin him down to a date...
e.g. ...their repeated efforts to pin him down on a number of topics...

pin down英英释义


1. define clearly

e.g. I cannot narrow down the rules for this game

Synonym: peg downnail downnarrow downnarrowspecify

2. attach with or as if with a pin

e.g. pin up a picture

Synonym: pin up

3. place in a confining or embarrassing position

e.g. He was trapped in a difficult situation

Synonym: trap

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