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run up against
美音: [rʌn ʌp əˈɡenst] 英音: [rʌn ʌp əˈɡenst]

run up against基本解释

动词撞上; 偶遇; 意外地碰到; 与…相撞

run up against相关例句


1. run up against的近义词

1. I ran upagainst Bill in the market.

run up against网络解释


1. 意外地碰到(困难等):run through 跑着穿过;刺 | runupagainst 意外地碰到(困难等) | runupon 撞击;触(礁)


2. 遇到:run sb out of the town 把某人逐出市外 | runupagainst 遇到 | run wild 到处跑

3. 遭遇,遇到:91. knock oneself out 辛苦地工作,工作努力 | 92. runupagainst 遭遇,遇到 | 93. far from 远非如此

4. 偶遇:run true to form 一如既往 | runupagainst 偶遇 | runup to 跑到

run up against词典解释

1. 突然遇到(问题);突然碰到(困难)
If you run up against problems, you suddenly begin to experience them.

e.g. I ran upagainst the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer...
e.g. He ran upagainst a solid wall of opposition when it came to the sensitive issue of party privileges.

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