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run up
美音: [rʌn ʌp] 英音: [rʌn ʌp]

run up基本解释

升起; (使)增长; 迅速地登上; 沿…迅速地移动

run up相关例句


1. They ran up the national flag.

2. I ran this dress up in one evening.

3. She ran up a large bill.

run up词典解释

1. 积欠(账款、债务等)
If someone runs up bills or debts, they acquire them by buying a lot of things or borrowing money.

e.g. He ran up a £1,400 bill at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel...
e.g. Many ran up huge debts as they spent millions to buy foreign players.

2. see also: run-up

run up英英释义


1. pile up (debts or scores)

2. fasten by sewing
do needlework

Synonym: sewsew togetherstitch

3. raise

e.g. hoist the flags
hoist a sail

Synonym: hoist

4. make by sewing together quickly

e.g. run up a skirt

5. accumulate as a debt

e.g. he chalked up $100 in the course of the evening

Synonym: chalk up

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