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round the clock
美音: [raund ðə klɔk] 英音: [raʊnd ði klɑk]

round the clock基本解释

round the clock的近义词

昼夜; 日夜; 夜以继日; 日以继夜

round the clock是什么意思

round the clock网络解释

1. 一直;不停地:809. all the year round终年;一年到头 | 810. roundtheclock一直;不停地 | 811. as a rule通常


2. (围着时钟转 ):146 Roll That Bal(滚动那个球 ) | 147 RoundTheClock(围着时钟转 ) | 148 Sally, Go' RoundThe Sun(萨利绕着太阳转 )

3. 不分昼夜:Rome was not built in one day. 罗马并非一天建成. | Roundtheclock 不分昼夜 | round-table conference 圆桌会议

4. 日日夜夜:156.royal road 捷径 | 157.roundtheclock 日日夜夜 | 158.rotten to the core 坏透了

round the clock英英释义


1. without stopping

e.g. she worked around theclock

Synonym: around the clockfor 24 hours

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