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root out
美音: [ru:t aut] 英音: [rut aʊt]

root out基本解释

root out

肃清; 彻底根除; 搜寻; 诛除

root out相关例句


1. root out

1. This disease could easily be rooted out.

root out网络解释

1. 用鼻拱出:root in 来源于 | rootout 用鼻拱出 | root up 根除

2. 根除:rigid adj.严格的 | rootout 根除 | sales promotion 促销

3. 根除(某事物):on the part of or on one's part 由某人做出 | rootout 根除(某事物) | blow the whistle (on sth.) 告发,揭发

root out词典解释

1. 铲除;清除
If you root out a person, you find them and force them from the place they are in, usually in order to punish them.

e.g. The generals have to rootout traitors...
e.g. It shouldn't take too long to root him out.

2. 根除;杜绝;彻底解决
If you root out a problem or an unpleasant situation, you find out who or what is the cause of it and put an end to it.

e.g. There would be a major drive to rootout corruption...
e.g. Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.

root out英英释义


1. pull up by or as if by the roots

e.g. uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden

Synonym: uprootextirpatederacinate

2. destroy completely, as if down to the roots

e.g. the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprootedroot out corruption

Synonym: uprooteradicateextirpateexterminate

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