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roll up
美音: [rəul ʌp] 英音: [rol ʌp]

roll up基本解释

卷起; 卷成圆筒形[球形]; 到达; 出现

roll up是什么意思

roll up情景对话


roll up的反义词

A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.

A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.

roll up的翻译

A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you rollup your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

B:Thank you.

roll up网络解释

1. roll up

1. 上滚:本文讨论了许多操作,包括用表达式上滚(rollup)和下滚(roll down),它依赖于DataRelation对象的关系. 我将演示怎样在数据列对象中建立表达式,怎样使用数据集和SQL建立集合函数,怎样在数据集中上滚和下滚字段,怎样在数据集中执行列的计算.

2. roll up什么意思

2. 卷起:可卷袖设计,适合袖长: 长袖 领子: 全开胸 反领 成分: 100%棉 细节: 刺绣 可卷起(RollUp) 类型: 梭织物 纯棉材质,舒适好穿. 左领口位有刺绣,显得分外有型.

roll up词典解释

1. 卷起(袖子或裤腿)
If you roll up your sleeves or trouser legs, you fold the ends back several times, making them shorter.

e.g. The jacket was too big for him so he rolled up the cuffs...
e.g. Walking in the surf, she had to roll her pants up to her knees.

2. 到达;(尤指)涌向,涌到
If people roll up somewhere, they arrive there, especially in large numbers, to see something interesting.

e.g. Roll up, rollup, come and join The Greatest Show on Earth...
e.g. The first reporters rolled up to the laboratory within minutes.

3. see also: roll 6;rolled-up

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