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ride out
美音: [raid aut] 英音: [raɪd aʊt]

ride out基本解释


ride out相关例句


1. We were confident that we would be able to rideout the storm.

ride out网络解释

1. 安全渡过:negative impact负面影响;不良反应 | rideout:安全渡过 | squall n.暴风

2. 顶住:ride hawse full 锚泊中波浪打进锚链孔破浪前进 | rideout 顶住 | ride

3. 安全度过,闯过:surge v.汹涌 n.因海浪引起的灾难 | evacuate v.疏散 | rideout 安全度过,闯过

4. 经受住,渡过:ride high得意扬扬,神气十足 | rideout 经受住,渡过 | rise to one's feet 站起来

ride out英英释义


1. hang on during a trial of endurance

e.g. ride out the storm

Synonym: last outstayoutride

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