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sum up
美音: [sʌm ʌp] 英音: [sʌm ʌp]

sum up基本解释

是…的总和[数]; 合计; 总结,概括; 向陪审团概述案情

sum up相关例句


1. We have to sumup the costs of production.

2. Let's sumup our experience before going on.

sum up网络解释

1. 总结:2.提高学习效率的方法:有计划,善思考,勤总结(sumup会用工具书,善于抓住机会和利用资源;劳逸结合. 3.成功的秘诀:勤奋加方法. 注意:1.不要直接翻译要点,可适当增加细节. 2.词数:100左右.

2. 概括:导语要抓住读者注意力,概括(sumup)文章的主题(focus),确定语气(tone)并确定主要内容(subject). 在新闻报道中,导语段落要说明最重要的事实,并回答谁(who)、什么(what)、何地(where)、何时(when)、何故(why)以及如何(how)的问题.


3. 总结,概括:such...that... 那样的...以致 | sumup 总结,概括 | sweep clean 扫,清洁

4. sum up在线翻译

4. 总结;概括;总计;概述要点:suffer from 患(病受...之苦 | sumup 总结;概括;总计;概述要点 | try on 试穿;耍弄(花招)

sum up词典解释

1. 简而言之;概括地说
If you sum something up, you describe it as briefly as possible.

e.g. One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — 'Politicians have lost credibility,' he complained...
e.g. Obree summed his weekend up in one word: 'Disastrous.'

2. 总结;概括
If something sums a person or situation up, it represents their most typical characteristics.

e.g. 'I love my wife, my horse and my dog,' he said, and that summed him up...
e.g. Sadly, the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him.

3. (在发言后或文章结尾处)作总结;(法官审理结束前)作结案陈词
If you sum up after a speech or at the end of a piece of writing, you briefly state the main points again. When a judge sums up after a trial, he reminds the jury of the evidence and the main arguments of the case they have heard.

e.g. When the judge summed up, it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict...
e.g. To sumup: We welcome the statement of the Government and appreciate its willingness and commitment to work cooperatively with us.

4. see also: summing-up

sum up英英释义


1. determine the sum of

e.g. Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town

Synonym: totaltottot upsumsummatetote upaddadd togethertallyadd up

2. give a summary (of)

e.g. he summed up his results
I will now summarize

Synonym: summarizesummariseresume

3. be a summary of

e.g. The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper

Synonym: summarizesummarisesum

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