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step down
美音: [step daun] 英音: [stɛp daʊn]

step down基本解释


step down在线翻译

step down相关例句


1. step down的近义词

1. Our boss stepped down after thirty years with the company.

2. He is not ready to stepdown yet.

step down网络解释

1. 降压:其中,+5V的输出是主要的输出通道,它带有PWM闭环控制的功能;3.3V的输出则由基于NCP1586的降压(stepdown)DC-DC同步整流电路产生;至于12V输出则是通过其次级线圈在5V输出的次级线圈上进行叠加得到,整体结构见图1.

2. step down的近义词

2. 辞职,下台:Hole up:藏匿 | StepDown:辞职,下台 | Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准

3. 走下:step dance 踢趿舞 | stepdown 走下 | step in 干涉


4. 减缓的:step-by-step 按部就班的 | step-down 减缓的 | step-in 可穿的

step down词典解释

1. 辞职;下台;让位
If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.

e.g. Judge Ito said that if his wife was called as a witness, he would stepdown as trial judge...
e.g. Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man.

step down英英释义


1. reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of

e.g. de-escalate a crisis

Synonym: de-escalateweaken

2. give up or retire from a position

e.g. The Secretary of the Navy will leave office next month
The chairman resigned over the financial scandal

Synonym: leave officequitresign

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