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stamp out
美音: [stæmp aut] 英音: [stæmp aʊt]

stamp out基本解释

扑灭,毁掉; 冲压成型

stamp out相关例句


1. They have stamped out a revolt.

2. He stamped out a burning stick.

stamp out网络解释

1. 扑灭:stampede:蜂拥;踩踏 | stampout:扑灭 | runoff:决定性竞选

2. 踩出:have an idea 有一个注意 | stampout 踩出 | on the scene 在现场

3. stamp out的意思

3. 盖章:? accurate 正确的, 精确的 | ? stampout 盖章 | ? periodical 期刊

4. 扑灭 消灭:power play 全权行为 高压行动 | stamp-out 扑灭 消灭 | for the sake of 为了

stamp out词典解释

1. 消灭;根除
If you stamp out something bad that is happening, you make it stop.

e.g. Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.
e.g. ...on-the-spot fines to stamp the problems out.

stamp out英英释义

stamp out的解释


1. end or extinguish by forceful means

e.g. Stamp out poverty!

Synonym: kill

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