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square up
美音: [skwɛə ʌp] 英音: [skwɛr ʌp]

square up基本解释

把…摆正; 结清账目,算清(欠账等); 做成直角

square up相关例句


1. We've squared up with the shopkeeper.

square up网络解释

1. 清帐:square toes 古板的人 | squareup 清帐 | square 正方形

2. 付讫; 结清:square the circle 做办不到的事 | squareup 付讫; 结清 | square-faced 四方脸的

3. 付清,结帐:634. square off 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势) | squareup 付清,结帐 | 635. at stake 在危急关头,在危险中

4. 结清账目:18.Touchstone for mental health 为了心理健康 | 19.Squareup 结清账目 | 20.Neat !!! 利索

square up词典解释

1. 勇敢面对(问题、人或形势)
If you square up to a problem, person, or situation, you accept that you have to deal with them and take action to do so.

e.g. The world's most prestigious insurance company was last night squaring up to take on MPs who have accused it of being riddled with corruption.
e.g. ...a woman facing serious responsibility, squaring up to the deepest crisis she has yet had to face.

square up英英释义


1. make square

e.g. Square the circle
square the wood with a file

Synonym: square

2. settle conclusively
come to terms

e.g. We finally settled the argument

Synonym: settlesquare offdetermine

3. even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing

Synonym: jogeven up

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