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square off
美音: [skwɛə ɔf] 英音: [skwɛr ɔf]

square off基本解释


square off网络解释

1. 平盘 未平仓的合约:445. spurious correlation 伪关联 | 446. squareoff 平盘 未平仓的合约 | 447. stagflation 滞胀

2. square off的解释

2. 摆出自卫或攻击的架式:cantina n.小酒店, 酒吧,挂在鞍头的袋子 | squareoff 摆出自卫或攻击的架式 | pair off v.成对而去, 分成一对一对

3. 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势):633. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,当即 | 634. squareoff 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势) | square up 付清,结帐

4. 摆好姿势:square meter 平方米 | squareoff 摆好姿势 | square peg in a round hole 不合适的人或东西

square off英英释义

square off的意思


1. settle conclusively
come to terms

e.g. We finally settled the argument

Synonym: settlesquare updetermine

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