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split up
美音: [split ʌp] 英音: [splɪt ʌp]

split up基本解释

split up的意思


split up的意思

split up相关例句


1. split up的近义词

1. He splitup with his wife.

split up网络解释

1. 分裂:3. accumulation n.积聚, 堆积物 | 4. splitup 分裂 | 5. no clear-cut distinction 没有绝对的区别

2. 分手:barefaced :不要脸的 | splitup 分手 | avatar 马甲,呵呵,就是指的论坛上的

3. 分开:271. The talk of the town 热门话题 | 272. Splitup 分开 | 273. Behind the times 落伍

4. split up

4. 股本分割:split-off point分离点 | split-up股本分割 | spoilage废品损耗,次品损耗

split up英英释义


1. an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity

e.g. they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock

Synonym: splitstock split

split up的翻译


1. become separated into pieces or fragments

e.g. The figurine broke
The freshly baked loaf fell apart

Synonym: breakseparatefall apartcome apart

2. discontinue an association or relation
go different ways

e.g. The business partners broke over a tax question
The couple separated after 25 years of marriage
My friend and I splitup

Synonym: separatepartsplitbreakbreak up

3. separate into parts or portions

e.g. divide the cake into three equal parts
The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after World War I

Synonym: dividesplitseparatedissevercarve up

4. get a divorce
formally terminate a marriage

e.g. The couple divorced after only 6 months

Synonym: divorce

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