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sit around
美音: [sit əˈraund] 英音: [sit əˈraʊnd]

sit around基本解释

sit around的解释


sit around网络解释

1. sit around是什么意思

1. 无所事事:sit about 呆坐着 | sitaround 无所事事 | sit at the stern 管理公共事务

2. sit around是什么意思

2. 闲坐:40.take the initiative/the first step 采取主动 | 41.sitaround闲坐 | 42.blurt out 脱口而出


3. 到处闲坐,消磨时间:sigh up for参加俱乐部;注册,学习一门课程 | sitaround到处闲坐,消磨时间 | sit for参加

4. 围着. . . 坐:24. do sth by hand 靠手工/亲身做某事/物 | 25.sitaround... 围着. . . 坐 | 28.in one breath 一口气

sit around词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 sit about

1. 闲坐着;无所事事
If you sit around or sit about, you spend time doing nothing useful or interesting.

e.g. Eve isn't the type to sitaround doing nothing...
e.g. We sat about in the gloomy airport lounge.

sit around英英释义


1. be around, often idly or without specific purpose

e.g. The object sat in the corner
We sat around chatting for another hour

Synonym: sit

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