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sign away
美音: [sain əˈwei] 英音: [saɪn əˈwe]

sign away基本解释


sign away在线翻译

sign away相关例句


1. sign away的意思

1. She signed away her share in the property.

sign away网络解释

1. sign away

1. 签字放弃:sign and countersign 口令 | signaway 签字放弃 | sign for 签收

2. 在证书上签字让与(财产等):There are signs of ... 有...的征象. | signaway 在证书上签字让与(财产等) | sign off 在证书上签字让与(财产等)

3. 黄道十二宫:n. 用手划十字, 作为签名的十字记号 v sign | 黄道十二宫 signaway | 签字让与,签字出卖 sign up

sign away词典解释

1. 签字转让;签字放弃
If you sign something away, you sign official documents that mean that you no longer own it or have a right to it.

sign away的近义词

e.g. The Duke signed away his inheritance...
e.g. They signed the rights away when they sold their idea to DC Comics.
他们在将点子出售给 DC 漫画公司时签字放弃了版权。

sign away英英释义

sign away在线翻译


1. formally assign ownership of

e.g. She signed away her rights

Synonym: sign over

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