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shut in
美音: [ʃʌt in] 英音: [ʃʌt ɪn]

shut in基本解释

shut in的翻译

关; 锁[封]在里边

shut in

shut in相关例句



1. The village is shutin by hills.

shut in网络解释

1. 关进:shut down 关闭 | shutin 关进 | shut off 关掉

2. 关在屋内者:shut-eye 睡眠 | shut-in 关在屋内者 | shutdown 关

3. 禁闭:shuttle box 梭箱 | shut??in 禁闭 | shut??in personality 封闭人格

4. shut in

4. 关进去,禁闭,使中止,压制:sell by whole-sale 批发 | shutin 关进去,禁闭,使中止,压制 | shut off 关掉,切断

shut in词典解释

1. 把…关在(房间)里面;把…关起来
If you shut someone or something in a room, you close the door so that they cannot leave it.

e.g. The door enables us to shut the birds in the shelter in bad weather.

2. 把自己关起来
If you shut yourself in a room, you stay in there and make sure nobody else can get in.

e.g. After one particular bad result, he shut himself in the shower room for an hour...
e.g. He shut himself in his office, telling his secretary to hold all calls.

3. see also: shut-in

shut in英英释义


1. surround completely

e.g. Darkness enclosed him
They closed in the porch with a fence

Synonym: encloseclose ininclose

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