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shoot down
美音: [ʃu:t daun] 英音: [ʃut daʊn]

shoot down基本解释

击落; 朝下射击; 击破…的论点

shoot down的反义词

shoot down相关例句


1. The enemy plane was shot down.

2. The workers shot down the manager's idea of shorter vacations.

3. The warring factions shot down the peace proposal.

shoot down网络解释

1. 击落:shoot away 不停地射击 | shootdown 击落 | shoot for 争取


2. 射落[倒] 断然否定, 坚决拒绝; (在辩论中)击败, 驳倒:shoot away 不停地发射子弹; 射完 击毁 象子弹出膛一样飞快地离去 | shootdown 射落[倒] 断然否定, 坚决拒绝; (在辩论中)击败, 驳倒 | shoot forth 射出, 伸出; 长出

3. shoot down的反义词

3. 击落,击毙,驳倒:settle down 定居 | shootdown 击落,击毙,驳倒 | shoot up 迅速上升;猛增

4. shoot down

4. 放弃或者否定某种想法或者方案:171. kiss off 拒绝,不理会;放弃,离开 | 172. shootdown 放弃或者否定某种想法或者方案 | 173. shoot for 试图达到某一目标或者取得某种结果

shoot down词典解释

1. 击落(飞机、直升机、导弹等)
If someone shoots down an aeroplane, a helicopter, or a missile, they make it fall to the ground by hitting it with a bullet or missile.

shoot down的近义词

e.g. They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile...
e.g. His plane was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967.
他的飞机于 1967 年在北越被击落。

2. 枪杀;开枪射击
If one person shoots down another, they shoot them with a gun.

e.g. He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters...
e.g. They shot him down in cold blood.

3. 反驳;彻底推翻
If you shoot someone down or shoot down their ideas, you say or show that they are completely wrong.

e.g. She was able to shoot the rumour down in flames with ample documentary evidence.

shoot down英英释义


1. shoot at and force to come down

e.g. the enemy landed several of our aircraft

Synonym: downland

2. move quickly and violently

e.g. The car tore down the street
He came charging into my office

Synonym: tearshootchargebuck

3. thwart the passage of

e.g. kill a motion
he shot down the student's proposal

Synonym: killdefeatvote downvote out

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