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sew up
美音: [səu ʌp] 英音: [so ʌp]

sew up基本解释

缝合; 缝拢; 安排; 解决

sew up相关例句


1. Don't think about that job, Mary has it sewed up.

2. I want to have the election sewn up even before I put my name on the list.

3. sew up

3. The home team had the game all but sewed up.

sew up网络解释

1. 缝合:settle with和......取得谅解;与......清算;偿还...... | sewup缝合...... | shake off抖落......;摆脱......;撵走......

2. sew up

2. 缝合, 缝入, 解决, 决定:sign away 签字放弃 | sewup 缝合, 缝入, 解决, 决定 | general colour 一幅画上色彩、色调的总体效果 整幅画的调子

3. 缝合;确保...的成功:settle down 定居,平静下来 | sewup 缝合;确保...的成功 | shake off 摆脱;抖落

4. 把. . . 缝在里面:make a settlement on 将财产赠与 | sewup 把. . . 缝在里面 | shade ...from... 使. . . 免受(照耀)

sew up词典解释

1. 缝合;缝补
If you sew up pieces of cloth or tears in cloth or skin, you join them together using a needle and thread.

e.g. Next day, Miss Stone decided to sewup the rip...
e.g. This material was then put into cotton bags which were weighed and then sewn up.

2. 安排妥帖;办好;使万无一失
If someone sews up something such as a business deal, an election, or a game, they make sure that they will get the result they want.

sew up什么意思

e.g. If they didn't move fast, Johnson could sew this deal up within days...
e.g. The Italians think they've got it all sewn up.

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