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set against
美音: [set əˈɡenst] 英音: [sɛt əˈɡenst]

set against基本解释

(使)靠着…; 把…与…相比; (使)与…抗衡; (使)在…映衬下

set against相关例句



1. Certain business losses can be setagainst taxes.

set against网络解释

1. set against是什么意思

1. 使敌视,使抵消:set off 动身,出发;使爆炸 | setagainst 使敌视,使抵消 | set oneself up as 以...自居


2. 使敌视,使对立:set about开始,着手 | setagainst 使敌视,使对立 | set apart 使与众不同;留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)

3. 平衡:set acho 设置回音 | setagainst 平衡 | set apart 留开

4. set against

4. 使......得到补偿、平衡;和......对立:set about开始、着手......;散布谣言...... | setagainst使......得到补偿、平衡;和......对立 | set aside留出、拨出......;略去......

set against词典解释

1. 把…和…作比较;把…对照…来看
If one argument or fact is set against another, it is considered in relation to it.

e.g. These are relatively small points when setagainst her expertise on so many other issues...
e.g. £5,000 was a considerable sum in those days and particularly when setagainst the maximum wage.
在当时 5,000 英镑是相当大的一笔数目,特别是和最高工资相比。

2. 使…与…对立(或作对、竞争)
To set one person against another means to cause them to become enemies or rivals.

set against

e.g. The case has set neighbour against neighbour in the village.

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