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send away
美音: [send əˈwei] 英音: [sɛnd əˈwe]

send away基本解释

send away的反义词

遣走,解雇; 遣散; 发付

send away相关例句


1. He sent his son away to school in Germany.

send away网络解释

1. 派遣, 驱逐, 解雇:855. send up 把...往上送;发射 | 856. sendaway派遣, 驱逐, 解雇 | 857. sense of humor幽默感

2. 撵走,开除,解雇:702. see you tomorrow 明天见 | 703. sendaway 撵走,开除,解雇 | 704. seem like 看起来像

3. send away

3. 发送:sendaway for 函购 | sendaway 发送 | send back 退还

4. 赶走,开除,解雇:run away 逃走,(颜色)褪色,溃逃;私奔 | sendaway 赶走,开除,解雇 | take away 带走,夺去

send away英英释义

send away的意思


1. terminate the employment of
discharge from an office or position

e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
The company terminated 25% of its workers

Synonym: displacefiregive noticecandismissgive the axesackforce outgive the sackterminate

2. stop associating with

e.g. They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock

Synonym: dismisssend packingdrop

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