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seize up
美音: [si:z ʌp] 英音: [siz ʌp]

seize up基本解释


seize up网络解释

1. 失灵:seize the sceptre 夺王位 | seizeup 失灵 | seizeupon 抓住

2. 咬缸:seize smuggled goods 没收走私货物 | seizeup 咬缸 | seize 缠扎;拿捕

3. (机器等)卡住,停顿:4478seize on利用 | 4479seizeup(机器等)卡住,停顿 | 4480seldomad. 很少

4. (机器等)卡主,停顿:see to 注意,照料 | seizeup(机器等)卡主,停顿 | sell off 廉价出售(存货)

seize up词典解释

1. (身体某部分因紧张或上了年纪而)发僵,无法动弹
If a part of your body seizes up, it suddenly stops working, because you have strained it or because you are getting old.

e.g. After two days' exertions, it's the arms and hands that seizeup, not the legs...
e.g. We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seizeup a little.

2. (发动机等)停止运转,发生故障
If something such as an engine seizes up, it stops working, because it has not been properly cared for.

e.g. She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seizeup.

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