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seal off
美音: [si:l ɔf] 英音: [sil ɔf]

seal off基本解释

动词拆封; 把…封锁起来; 烫开

seal off相关例句



1. Police sealed the area off where the murderer was known to be hiding.

seal off网络解释

1. 封锁起来:seal fishery 捕海豹业 | sealoff .封锁起来 | seal ring 印章戒指

2. 封堵:seal nipple 密封接头 | sealoff 封堵 | seal pad 密封板

3. 把......封锁起来:crackdown n. 压迫、镇压、痛击 | sealoff 把......封锁起来 | cultural genocide 种族灭绝、文化屠杀

4. 铅封脱落:Seal missing 铅封失落 | Sealoff 铅封脱落 | Search light 探照灯

seal off词典解释

1. 封闭;隔离
If one object or area is sealed off from another, there is a physical barrier between them, so that nothing can pass between them.

e.g. Windows are usually sealed off.
e.g. ...the anti-personnel door that sealed off the chamber.

2. -> see seal 7

seal off英英释义


1. impose a blockade on

Synonym: blockade

2. make tight
secure against leakage

e.g. seal the windows

Synonym: seal

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