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scrape together
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scrape together单语例句

scrape together

1. The poor must eat, and in slums and shantytowns it's increasingly difficult to scrapetogether enough rice to cook.

scrape together双语例句

1. This is why artists scrapetogether a meager living for an average of seven years before being noticed.

2. They have a trace of bright sunshine, no worries, innocent smile, innocence innocence, attracted in. I could not help scrapetogether.

3. A colleague and I managed to scrapetogether $2, 000, which we invested in the Fidelity Contrafund.
我和一位同事凑了总共2,000美元,投到了Fidelity Contrafund基金中。

4. scrape together是什么意思

4. We have a few months and the money we could scrapetogether throwing parties, and seeking support from our community, in the middle of a recession.

5. Because people have different preferences, the ratio of leisure to consumption will vary from person to person: Joe might prefer to work hard and buy a yacht, and Lawson might prefer to sit on the beach and barely scrapetogether enough income to buy food and sunscreen.

6. scrape together的反义词

6. A couple of books and maybe a half dozen magazine article was all I could manage to scrapetogether, and what little information there was only mentioned the history of the Legion or presented its affairs in a manner that revealed nothing of practical of recruit.
几本书和5,6 篇杂志上的文章,这些是我唯一能搜刮到的一起的资料,在这么一小点资料里没有透露任何有用于征募的信息,只是叙述了军团的历史以及多少关于目前军团相关一些事件。

7. This episode launches a diffusely woven series of memories, from snippets of Woiwode`s days in New York as a young writer working with the late great William Maxwell, to his days as a young father, husband, and teacher trying to scrape enough together to buy a ranch in western North Dakota, to the prospect of an empty nest and the step from death that he finds rapidly approaching.

8. Next the website that I go to visitting them, trichromatic cereal store Http://345.wdwd. com I feel to be able to look without what really, caption always is fond of joyous Dui keyword of a few Ge, whole page interface is mixed and disorderly, article table is illogical, the scrapetogether on the net did the article related one pile height.


9. The first reaction of Mrs Ma Yun is not you mad, however for company he is bungled sell iron, scrapetogether gives 100 thousand money, be in the office that has a house only, rely on one yuan one yuan to counting a flower, established together webpage of the first B2B.

10. scrape together的解释

10. I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.

11. scrape together的解释

11. I'll have to scrapetogether some money for a sight-seeing trip.


12. So how are we going to scrapetogether fifteen grand for this endowment?


13. The problem is that all of that new fangled technology will only manage to scrapetogether a top speed of 5 knots.

14. scrape together的近义词

14. The problem is that the new fangled technology will only manage to scrapetogether a top speed of 5 knots.

15. scrape together的翻译

15. Joe is trying to scrapetogether enough money to go on vacation.

16. scrape together在线翻译

16. If you have to scrape money together to do this you're better offlooking into non-surgical or less invasive treatments.

17. Scrape together/up, He managed to scrapetogether enough cash to buy two tickets.

18. scrape together在线翻译

18. Accordingly I, suggested to him, yield point of his scrapetogether.

19. I'll scrape something together, and I'll find you this week.

20. He have scrapetogether enough money to buy a car.

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