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scale down
美音: [skeil daun] 英音: [skel daʊn]

scale down基本解释


scale down网络解释

1. 按比例缩减:saturate with使充满 | scaledown按比例缩减 | scrape through擦过,勉强通过

2. 按比例缩减;按比例递减:Scale D Circular 丁级传阅通告 | scaledown 按比例缩减;按比例递减 | scale maximum 顶薪点

3. 按比例缩小:dispatch急件 | scaledown按比例缩小 | emissary使者

4. 缩减:gain an insight into 了解 | scaledown 缩减 | cut back 减少

scale down词典解释

1. 缩小;缩减;减弱
If you scale down something, you make it smaller in size, amount, or extent than it used to be.

e.g. One factory has had to scaledown its workforce from six hundred to only six...
一家工厂不得不将员工人数从 600 名裁减至仅剩 6 名。
e.g. The air rescue operation has now been scaled down...

scale down英英释义


1. make smaller

e.g. reduce an image

Synonym: reduce

2. reduce proportionally

e.g. The model is scaled down

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