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sail through
美音: [seil θru:] 英音: [sel θru]

sail through基本解释


sail through相关例句


1. She absolutely sailed through her exams.

sail through网络解释

1. sail through在线翻译

1. 轻快地走过:sail large 顺风航行 | sailthrough 轻快地走过 | sail under false colors 假冒

2. sail through的翻译

2. 完成:Smell a rat 觉得可疑 | Sailthrough 完成 | Set him straight 向他解释

3. 顺利地取得:sail v.开船,启航 | sailthrough 顺利地取得 | A.B. 文学士

4. 顺利通过:to be the safe side 为了保险起见 | 556. sailthrough 顺利通过 | set sail 启航

sail through词典解释

1. 顺利地通过;轻易地做成
If someone or something sails through a difficult situation or experience, they deal with it easily and successfully.

e.g. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled...
e.g. The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61.
该协议以 495 票对 61 票在法国国民议会顺利通过。

sail through英英释义


1. succeed at easily

e.g. She sailed through her exams
You will pass with flying colors
She nailed her astrophysics course

Synonym: breeze throughacepass with flying colorssweep throughnail

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