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safe and sound
美音: [seif ænd saund] 英音: [sef ənd saʊnd]

safe and sound基本解释

平安无事; 无恙; 平安无恙

safe and sound相关例句


1. safe and sound在线翻译

1. I'm glad to see you home safeandsound.

safe and sound网络解释

1. 安然无恙:rush hour 高峰时间 | safeandsound 安然无恙 | say ... 比如说

2. 平安无事:health and wealth 健康与财富 | safeandsound 平安无事 | sweet and sour 酸甜

3. 安然无恙的:824. rush at 冲向 | 825. safeandsound安然无恙的 | 826. for sale待售,出售

4. 安全:true or false真假 | safeandsound安全 | short and sweet少而精

safe and sound英英释义


1. free from danger or injury

e.g. the children were found safeandsound

Synonym: unhurt

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