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turn the tables
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turn the tables基本解释

turn the tables


turn the tables网络解释


1. 扭转局势:turn tail 逃跑 | turnthetables 扭转局势 | turn turtle (乌龟、汽车)四脚朝天

2. turn the tables是什么意思

2. 扭转局面:turnthe scale 扭转局面 | turnthetables 扭转局面 | turn to account 利用

3. 改变形势, 扭转局面:keep something under the hat 不张扬某事 | turnthetables 改变形势, 扭转局面 | All's well that ends well. 结局好, 什么都好.

4. 改变局势:walk out with 与......谈情说爱 | turnthetables 改变局势 | swear black is white指鹿为马:不择手段

turn the tables英英释义


1. cause a complete reversal of the circumstances

e.g. The tables are turned now that the Republicans are in power!

Synonym: turn the tide

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