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turn a blind eye to
美音: [tə:n ə blaind ai tu:] 英音: [tɚn e blaɪnd aɪ tu]

turn a blind eye to基本解释

动词熟视无睹; 眼开眼闭; 睹而不见

turn a blind eye to网络解释

1. 对...视而不见:be beneficial to... 有利于...,有益于... | turnablindeyeto... 对...视而不见 | by leaps and bounds飞速地,突飞猛进地

2. 对...装作不见:be blindto 不了解,对...是盲目的 | turnablindeyeto 对...装作不见 | blow over 被淡忘

3. 熟视无睹:turmoil 骚动 | turnablindeyeto 熟视无睹 | turna deaf ear to 置若罔闻

4. 视而不见:try on 试穿 | turnablindeyeto 视而不见 | turna deaf ear to 充耳不闻

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