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trail off
美音: [treil ɔf] 英音: [trel ɔf]

trail off基本解释


trail off网络解释

1. trail off在线翻译

1. (声音等)逐渐变弱:track out 根据(遗迹等)探索出 | trailoff (声音等)逐渐变弱 | treat sb. as 把...待如;把...看作

2. trail off的意思

2. 减弱:trail net 拖网 | trailoff 减弱 | trail one's coat 故意挑衅

3. 减弱, 变小:Rusty 生锈的 | Trailoff 减弱 变小 | Spine 脊柱 脊椎

4. trail off是什么意思

4. 变弱; 逐渐消失:throw sb. off the trail 甩掉尾巴 | trail after 追随 | trailoff 变弱; 逐渐消失

trail off词典解释

1. (声音)逐渐减弱,越来越小
If a speaker's voice or a speaker trails off or trails away, their voice becomes quieter and they hesitate until they stop speaking completely.

e.g. 'But he had no reason. He of all men...' Kate's voice trailed off.
“但是他没有任何理由。在所有人当中…” 凯特的声音越来越轻。

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