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track down
美音: [træk daun] 英音: [træk daʊn]

track down基本解释

追寻; 查获; 追捕到,追查出

track down的反义词

track down网络解释

1. 追踪:在发现一例感染者后,香港官方采取极端措施(frantic measures)来追踪(trackdown)任何与被感染的墨西哥人接触过的(have contact with)人,并将健康安全警报(health alert)提高到最高级别.

2. 找到,发现;查出:touch up 修改,改进 | trackdown 找到,发现;查出 | track out 根据(遗迹等)探索出

3. track down

3. 追捕到:track and field 田径 | trackdown 追捕到 | track events 径赛

4. track down的反义词

4. 追捕:Case matters 注意大小写 | Trackdown 追捕 | Bootstrap loader 自举装载程序

track down词典解释

1. 追踪到;追查到;搜寻到
If you track down someone or something, you find them, or find information about them, after a difficult or long search.

e.g. She had spent years trying to trackdown her parents...
e.g. I don't know where that old story came from, I've never been able to track it down.

track down英英释义


1. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)

e.g. Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland
The dogs are running deer
The Duke hunted in these woods

Synonym: huntrunhunt down

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