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tone down
美音: [təun daun] 英音: [toʊn daʊn]

tone down基本解释


tone down什么意思

tone down网络解释

1. 降低:tone colour 音色 | tonedown 降低 | tone in with 调和

2. 使柔和:5. psychological 心理学的 | 6. tonedown 使柔和 | 7. soup kitchen 施舍食物给穷人之处所; 施粥场

3. tone down是什么意思

3. 使降低,使缓和,使柔和:token presence 象征性的存在 | tonedown 使降低,使缓和,使柔和 | Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC)(南非)真相与和解委员会

4. tone down

4. 柔和色调:柔光鏡,片 soft-focus attachment | 柔和色調 tonedown | 肉眼觀察 unaided viewing

tone down词典解释

1. 使(言辞)温和;使(调子)缓和;收敛
If you tone down something that you have written or said, you make it less forceful, severe, or offensive.

e.g. The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting...
e.g. The forecasts have since had to be toned down, as the economy has exhibited unmistakable signs of slowing…

tone down英英释义


1. make less strong or intense

e.g. Tone down that aggressive letter
The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements

Synonym: moderatetame

2. deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

Synonym: mufflemutedulldampdampen

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