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to my mind
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to my mind单语例句

1. To mymind, chutney seems a brilliant way to make use of this otherwise discarded food.

2. Another colleague was sweet enough to extend an invitation should I change mymind and stay in the capital for the coming holidays.

3. Before I ever made my way to the Middle Kingdom, just hearing the name China would conjure up powerful pictures in mymind.

4. It was such a hassle to move that damn tank and questions rose in mymind like the bubbles in my fish tank.

5. My Chinese friends tell me that speaking your mind in front of others may cause disharmony to the group.

6. To mymind, this was propaganda for a war of dubious legitimacy and declining public popularity.

7. Although I have reconciled it in my own mind, we perhaps didn't do enough to see it through the Sunni perspective.

8. I was not in the right frame of mindto give my all to anything.

9. Half of mymind urges me to get up, while the other half holds me back.

10. One day I saw a friend to the bus station, but a question suddenly came into mymind so I left without saying goodbye.

to my mind在线翻译

to my mind双语例句


2. I would like to direct mymind that the feelings and all of the termination of all Misunderstanding.

3. to my mind

3. All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind.

4. Transactions, is my career, in order to do transactions, to maintain optimal physical fitness and the best state of mind; I lived a different life with ordinary people, I would like for the transaction of Health, a very regular life, apart from eating every day and the rest, that is active in training and focus on land transactions, I will not indulge, not all tobacco and alcohol, do not abuse sexuality, not seeking Wen-da, not by fame and fortune...... transactions, 13, 128, 971, 889 in brokering a deal!


5. I not am relying on the custom, the convention now, even not relies on the human body every tire bead heel you to converse, but is mymind in with yours mind speech, as soon as probably we all leave the world, two people stand equally in front of God -- because we are originally equal!

6. Qualcomm will be thinking the pain, and today I know that he had been too mind you your choice of a number of decisions The kind of injury, has been rooted in mymind, I can not believe you can trust me, there is no way for her to insist on and tolerance I thought I would grow up ignorant of everything, but, after growing up, I only know what I want or do not want, Do not always give a person, two people have been living on a person, not only because of fond memories of the past and now painful, Do not never promise, do not always find an excuse for you to all for your good words said.

7. to my mind

7. The idea began to take root in mymind.

8. to my mind在线翻译

8. Thank Mr. smLuLU reply my question, this cat is different, he likes to go out with his drother -a golden retriver, when we go out together, he is so happy, if the neiborhood won't mind, I would like to bring them take a walk everyday(just in the cul-de-sac will be safely), of course the dog will be on leash and I will be careful, thank you!
Mr.smjlulu:可否请较一下,我数月前收养一只社区流浪猫,他喜欢白天出去社区玩,晚上才回来住在我家玄关,如果我带他去加拿大住在single house的社区,他还是一样白天喜欢出去社区逛逛,会不会让邻居不高兴或告我?

9. to my mind

9. My mind with his devotion to teaching.

10. to my mind什么意思

10. I can stop when I make up mymindto it, although it's difficult.

11. to my mind的近义词

11. I have made up mymindto do it.

12. When I grow up, they are not that I have heard the rhythm, but I was alone, it would be in mymind surging, I would like to learn how to perform, father and mother would probably hear will know that I belong to them will come to me.

13. to my mind的解释

13. Ok. Lisent. The last three years, I often lose mymind actruly. The university life is new, dance study work. form a baby to be a man. I have so many frinds with me and help me. but now……I`m really tird. Form the last three years I learnd so many things, how to dill with the probems, how to work I it batter, and so on.
23号交图纸,24、25和导师谈具体科研项目的内容,然后马上回家看老爸给我找的那个什么 XXX 亲戚,石油勘探部的,了解不是很多,有点不太想去,但是老爸给我商量过了,还是回去看看,然后和那几个兄弟们北京见面,日,老子就这么被你们结束了。

14. Growth in the sun like a colorful reflection of the records, according to the following redial button, they can listen to the past, the growth of reperfusion movement, again to make up mymind ripple.

15. My boss faild to persuade me to his secretary, because I hve no mind about that.


16. I took a break to do more training for the stunt scenes and also to clear mymind.

17. I can't restrain mymindto thing of him.

18. If I want to race a man and mymind is the fast horse, my heart is the medium horse and my body is the slow horse.

19. As I scanned the pages, a vision of the man began to form in mymind.

20. As I scan ned the pages, a vision of the man began to form in mymind.

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