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tide over
美音: [taid ˈəuvə] 英音: [taɪd ˈovɚ]

tide over基本解释

tide over的近义词

动词渡; 度过,克服

tide over

tide over网络解释

1. 度过难关:thumbs up 赞成 | tideover 度过难关 | A tiger leaves a skin behind him. 人死留名,虎死留皮.

2. 度过:tide lock 潮闸 | tideover 度过 | tide rip 波浪

3. (使)渡过(困难时期),(使)克服(困难等):Judicious:adj.明知而审慎的 | Tideover:(使)渡过(困难时期),(使)克服(困难等) | Platinum:n.铂,白金

4. 使度过(困难时期):It's not worth haggling over a few pence. 为几便士争论不休... | tideover 使度过(困难时期) | If they would put their heads together, they would find ways to tideover the difficulty. 如果他们集思广益,他...

tide over词典解释

1. (尤指通过借钱)帮助…渡过难关
If you do something for someone to tide them over, you help them through a period when they are having difficulties, especially by lending them money.

e.g. He wanted money to tide him over...
e.g. The banks were prepared to put up 50 million euros to tideover the company.

tide over英英释义


1. suffice for a period between two points

e.g. This money will keep us going for another year

Synonym: bridge overkeep going

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